Company canteens and catering facilities

Large canteens and catering facilities that serve hundreds of customers daily place particular emphasis on functionality and durability. Here you will find a wide selection of dining tables, chairs, and modern furniture for your operation.
Offer your customers a pleasant, modern environment, quality furniture, and a unique dining experience.

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Závodné jedálne a stravovacie zariadenia Ekoma
Závodné jedálne a stravovacie zariadenia Ekoma
IAV Konzept 2020, Neubau eines Bürogebäudes mit Betriebsrestaurant in Gifhorn
Závodné jedálne a stravovacie zariadenia Ekoma
Závodné jedálne a stravovacie zariadenia Ekoma
Závodné jedálne a stravovacie zariadenia Ekoma

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Hotel and restaurant interiors