Residential projects

In addition to the design and realization of modern interiors for your dream home or office, we also work as a supplier for our partners, which are companies specializing in the construction and subsequent sale of residential and family projects. As a partner we supply custom-made kitchen cabinets and wardrobes, create model flats and offer the turnkey design and realization of modern interiors for clients who have purchased property in these projects.

Are you interested in a turnkey interior design and realization in one of these residential projects?
Please contact us to arrange a time for your consultation.

Make an appointment


If you buy a flat in one of these projects, in addition to the standard equipment (sanitary fittings, floors, doors, windows,…), we will also provide you with the service of designing a modern and functional interior and its turnkey realization, of course, with preferential conditions.


When you have the interior of your new dream home designed and realized by us, you gain several advantages.

  • Our knowledge of the project documentation and the exact dimensions of the space give us an advantage in the realization process because we are able to handle the consultation, design and pricing immediately after agreement with you, regardless of the actual construction phase of the project.
  • The realization of your modern interior can be carried out as soon as you receive the keys to your flat.
  • Discounted prices for interior designs and custom kitchen designs
  • Discounted options when purchasing interior furnishings (kitchens, appliances, built-in wardrobes,…)
  • Affordable, certified furniture
  • Warranty and post-warranty service for interiors designed and realized by us


Our completed realizations speak louder than words for us.
Contact us to set up an appointment.

Contact us


The following projects have been completed, interiors handed over and the final building inspection passed. For these projects, we designed the interiors and supplied kitchen units, wardrobes and other custom-made furniture. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us

Panorama city
modern kitchen units delivered
Panorama city
stylish and functional interiors delivered


This means that if you buy an apartment in a project that you like, in addition to the so-called “standard” equipment (bathroom equipment, floors, doors, windows…), we will also provide you with interior design and its realization on a turnkey basis, of course, under favorable conditions.


  • Having access to the project documentation and knowing the exact dimensions of the apartments gives us an advantage during the realization. We are able to have consultations and handle the design and pricing immediately after agreeing with you, regardless of the current construction phase of the project.
  • The realization of your interior can be done as soon as you receive the keys to your apartment
  • Discounted prices for interior and kitchen designs
  • Discounted options for interior equipment (kitchen units, appliances, built-in wardrobes…)
  • Affordable certified furniture
  • Warranty and post-warranty service

We are currently a partner for supplying kitchen units, built-in wardrobes, and other interior equipment for the following projects: Panorama City, Zuckermandel, Fuxova and Klingerka.


Our completed realizations speak louder than words for us.

Contact us to set up an appointment.

Contact us